Dear Members,

We hope you are all well and continuing to cope in these difficult times.

You will be aware that the government has recently issued further guidance and eased some of the lockdown restrictions. However, for now, the position with KCC remains the same in that the Club must remain completely closed for both cricket and social purposes. This includes using the nets for practice and the outfield for any form of exercise or socialising. We must follow the current guidance from the government.

The ECB has suspended all first class cricket until at least July and the word is that it is extremely unlikely there will be any amateur or junior cricket before August. We will, of course, continue to monitor this closely and update you further as soon as we have any solid news. We will do what we can to offer our members cricket this season if it is at all possible.

We will provide a further update as soon as possible and hope that you all remain safe in the meantime.


The Executive Committee