A number of parents have now completed their terms of office on our Junior Committee and I would like to thank them all for their fantastic contribution and hard work!

This means that positions are now available for parents with children in the All Stars and 9-11 year old categories. We are looking to fill roles in respect of communications, events co-ordinator, treasurer and kitchen coordinator.

These are very rewarding roles in the knowledge that you will be benefiting a large number of children at the club. The commitment is normally 3 meetings a year and help supporting limited events that we run during the season, if you are available. You will also have a voice in the direction of how our junior section goes forward. Since the committee was formed in 2016, we have raised an amazing amount of money for the benefit of juniors, including a bowling machine, artificial pitch and contribution towards new sight screens.

The committee is a relaxed, friendly and forward thinking group, and we would love to have you join us! If you are interested in joining or just want to have a chat about the roles then please message us via Facebook or drop us an e-mail to knowlejuniorcricket@outlook.com.

Many thanks,
