If any member knows of any member who doesn’t have access to the internet please can they pass this message on.

Dear Member,

We write in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic to explain the steps we have taken as a Club to date and how we envisage proceeding in the future.

You will be aware that we acted early and decisively to attempt to safeguard the health of our members and employees. We held a meeting of the Executive Committee on  Monday 16 March and decided to shut the Club and suspend our pre-season nets the following day to try to stop the spread of the virus. This was four days before the Government compelled all licensed premises to do so and two days before the ECB suspended all forms of recreational cricket.

We also agreed to monitor the situation and hold an Executive Committee meeting every two weeks or whatever timescale is more appropriate at the time. As you are aware, there are no time limits in place at the moment and, therefore, we will be guided by the Government and Health England. We still intend to hold our next meeting by telephone conference on Monday 30 March although the current situation will inevitably not have changed by then.

We take great comfort from the fact we are a community club and our members generally have the support of their family and friends. However, it may be that there are some members who are not in that position. If he or she needs any assistance during these difficult times, or anyone who knows them believes they do, then they should not hesitant to contact our President, Steve Windaybank, on 07919480159 or our Secretary,  Paul Rogers, on 0772951031. For instance, we may be able to arrange a delivery of food or a collection of medicine.

If anyone has a specific medical query, then they should contact our Cricket Chairman, Dr Habib Naqvi, on 07946785675. At the very least, he will be able to refer you to the latest guidance on your query.

Finally, no-one can accurately predict what is ahead of us in the next few weeks or months. However, we have great confidence that we will pull through this, both as individuals and as a Club, and will then look forward to a better future.

Take care and stay safe.

Yours faithfully